Interactive Forum for Engaging Young People to Fight Climate Change
WHEN: Monday 15th August 2011 from 7:00pm – 9:00pm
WHERE: UnLtd Office, 123 Whitecross Street, Islington, London, EC1Y 8JJ. Nearest Tube is Barbican - if you get lost, call Nathan Hayes on: 07590 692577
Confirmed Speakers:
Tim Cooper, Environmental Change Institute, University of Oxford. Tim completed a Master of Science in Sustainable Development and Environmental Change at the University of Exeter in 2009, and has worked for the Meeting Place since February 2010. Tim's role is to oversee the development of workshops to maximise interactions between attendees and to ensure strong positive outputs via editing workshop reports. Tim has also worked on UKERC's response to the government earlier in the year on Electricity Market Reform. Before joining the UKERC Meeting Place, Tim worked as an Environmental Consultant focusing on carbon finance mechanisms, both compliance and voluntary and their associated development opportunities for African countries for various UN and government departments. Tim is an Associate member of the IEMA (Institute of Environmental Management and Assessment), and is currently working as a 'Climate Champion' with the British Council to develop UKERC's 'Energy Island' exercise suitable for use in Schools. He has also worked on researching leadership in sustainable development during his MSc and has an undergraduate degree in Geography.
Peter Richardson, Baker and McKenzie; Projects and environmental lawyer with a focus on clean energy. Mr Richardson has been working with Baker & McKenzie since 2006. In 2009 he spent a year on secondment with a major carbon fund and experienced how climate change projects are developed 'first hand'.
Sarah Corbett, Oxfam UK: Born in Everton, Liverpool (fourth most deprived ward in the UK) into a family of local activists fighting in the 80s for better housing and services under Thatcher, now fighting for support for young people in an area rife with drug dealing and gangs. Studied Religions and Theology focusing on Liberation Theology. My mum is a local Labour Councillor and my dad is the local Vicar. I support regional Campaigners in this role with Oxfam and my previous work was with DFID on a scheme called Platform2 trying to turn young people 18-25 year olds from 'disadvantaged' areas into activists. I also run a awareness raising/campaigns group called Craftivist Collective. We have 900 craftivists across the world who deliver activism through craft to raise awareness of human rights injustices and global poverty. We have been featured in the Observer, RWD magazine as well as arts and cultures publications that rarely talk about politics.
We have designed the event to facilitate a lively and intelligent discussion across the board, involving both speakers and participants. So - think of some questions for the speakers in advance, or general topics that you want to discuss on the themes of climate change and youth engagement.
If you don’t have much of a background in either of these topics and want to learn more – great and we hope you can gain a lot from the event. We hope that we can attract people from all backgrounds, so our only mandatory requirements are that you bring energy and an enthusiasm for learning and participating.
"(Young people) are making important contributions to our work to eradicate poverty, contain the spread of disease, combat climate change and achieve the Millennium Development Goals. I call on Member States to increase their investments in young people so they can do even more." Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon